Founded over 40 years ago, the Astronomy Club at Virginia Tech seeks to provide a place for all those who love the stars. After COVID-19, the club fell into disrepair and lost many of its members, including officers. However, in the wake of the pandemic, the ACVT is building itself back up with the help of people like you!
The next general body meeting will be held soon! Please be on the lookout for any new announcements on our socials!
Meetings are open to everyone, regardless of whether or not you are a student at Virginia Tech or what you study. So long as you have a general interest in astronomy, you are more than welcome.
Additionally, stargazing sessions are held weekly, (very) weather permitting. For more specific updates, follow our Instagram page @astronomyclubofvirginiatech.

ACVT is a general interest astronomy club, so no experience or academic background is required for membership. Any person with an interest in astronomy is eligible to become a member.
Annual dues of fifteen dollars are collected in the fall semester. Members joining in the spring or who will only be present for one semester will only be required to pay ten dollars. In addition, members can pay an additional ten dollars for a custom ACVT t-shirt. See the Club Constitution and By-laws for more information. We accept cash payments made in person for dues as well as sending dues to our Venmo account @AstroClubVT. Both methods require your email and name for our records.
To be added to the club email list, please contact the webmaster.

Outreach events within and for the Blacksburg community are often held on campus, at the observatory (when operational), and off campus by club members whenever the opportunity arises. Events have been held with local high schools, middle school students, and local residents.

Nicholas R. Anderson
Nick Anderson, 2014-2015 ACVT President, passed away on December 22, 2015.
Nick's contributions to the club were invaluable. He shared his passion for and knowledge of astronomy with club members and non-club members alike by orchestrating the sidewalk astronomy events, giving Starry Night presentations at meetings, coordinating the famous "Pluto Smackdown!", keeping the meetings lively and so much more. He was also a good friend to many of us and there are no words to express how much we will all miss him.
Rest in Peace Nick Anderson. We'll look for you among the stars.